(Global Game Jam 2012, Super Friendship Club UNIVERSE Pageant)

Flare v1.1
Download for Windows
Download for Mac

This is a Global Game Jam 2012 and Super Friendship Club UNIVERSE Pageant entry. 
Six talented developers/designers/artists spent 48 hours 1/27/2012 - 1/29/2012 
hammering away at Unity 3D, and Flare is the fruit of our (sleep-deprived) 
labor. Released CC-BY-NC-SA.

GGJ submission page                : http://globalgamejam.org/2012/flare
Super Friendship Club pageant entry: http://superfriendshipclub.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=506
Global Game Jam                    : http://globalgamejam.org
Unity 3D                           : http://unity3d.com

This build is a post-competition version that adds a couple of platforms, cleans 
up the worst of the bugs, improves performance by a small amount, and adds more 
of an ending after death.

Your corner of the universe just got a little unstable. A black hole has 
appeared, and your solar system is circling the drain. Better leave home 
and stay one step ahead of the gravity well.

Avoid getting sucked into the black hole by jumping between planets. Be 
careful not to swing too far out of the galaxy, or you'll be lost in space.

Make sure to jump close to a new planet in order to enter its gravity field.
If you end up orbiting a planet, use your limited telekinetic powers to
rotate in the direction opposite your orbit. You'll eventually drop out of 
orbit and land on the planet's surface.

Left (counter-clockwise): Left Arrow
Right (clockwise)       : Right Arrow
Jump                    : Space
Fullscreen              : F
Toggle Music            : M
Quit                    : Esc

Windows XP/OS X/Android 2.1+
Deferred lighting SM3.0, GPU support 
Forward rendering SM2.0 
Vertex Lit rendering Yes 
Realtime Shadows SM2.0, GPU support 
Image Effects Most need SM2.0 
Vertex Shaders SM1.1 
Pixel Shaders SM2.0 
Fixed Function Shaders Yes 
(see Unity System Requirements)

Refer to license.txt for license information.

Code/art/fx             : pjchardt
Art/animation/asset mgmt: Shylo
Code                    : @mildmojo
Code/guidance           : John Meister (@meistercreation, solo GGJ entry The Life of a Ninja)
Music                   : Mathieu
Mystical Powers         : @nickwarner

Thanks to @RunJumpDev, the Lexington, KY game dev group, for hosting the local game 
jam, and @AwesomeInc for the space with desks, hardware, and power.